The Fifth International
Conference on Mathematical Methods in Physics (IC2006) will happen
at Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF),
in Rio de Janeiro, between 24 and 28 of April, 2006. It will
cover many different but related subjects such as Methods of Spectral
and Group Theory, Topology, Differential and Algebraic Geometry and in Field Theory, Quantum Gravity, String Theory
and Cosmology. It is the fifth event in a series of
conferences on Mathematical Methods in Physics that begun in
Londrina (PR - Brazil) in 1999.
The conference is
structured in 12 plenary talks of 1h and a number of short seminars of 30
minutes, given by proeminent brazilian and foreign researchers. As
we are interested in the most actual picture of the area, we
invited many foreign speakers, all of them very experienced and of
recognized leadership. A pannel section is also going to happen,
to allow exposition of ideas and results of the other
Registration and Accomodations:
There is a registration fee of
R$ 100,00. Students can benefit of a reduced registration fee of R$
50,00. People working or studying in Brazil, please send a check
with the appropriate amount, in name of Célia Maria
Carneiro Monteiro, to the following address:
(a.c. Sra. Célia Maria
Carneiro Monteiro)
Coordenação de Colaborações
Científicas Institucionais
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas
Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud, 150
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Foreign participants are
requested to pay the registration fee (presently, about US$ 45,
for doctors) when they arrive. All participants are expected to pay for their own
transportation and accomodation. The organization will soon
provide useful informations concerning hotel
and displacement options.
Registrations will be
accepted until March, 31,
2006. Participants
needing a visa must apply for it in a Brazilian Consulate or
Embassy in their countries as soon as possible.
official language of the Conference is english.
Proceedings of the
Conference are expected to be published and will include the
material of the Plenaries, Seminars and the contributed
Contributions Booklet:
Abstracts of the contributions will be published in a booklet
to be distributed to the participants. Abstracts must be submitted
before March, 31, 2006, for inclusion in this
Further Information:
additional information, please send e-mail to ic2006@cbpf.br
or call Mrs. Célia Maria Carneiro Monteiro (secretary of the event)
at (00-55-21) 2141-7398.