Rio de Janeiro, April, 24 - 28, 2006



Scope and History

Scientific Program

List of Speakers


General Information


Useful Links





1. Hotels


The official travel agency of the Conference is Hanseatic Tours - Lufthansa City Center. The prices shown below are valid for reservations made through this agency. Our contact there is Mrs. Marcia Rossi at the phone (55 21) 2215-1570. All prices refer to daily rates and include breakfast. All three hotels are rated as 3 stars. The agency can indicate more hotel options of other levels under request.

All prices below include service taxes (10%). We are considering US$ 1 = R$ 2,15.

Address: Rua Dois de Dezembro, 135, Flamengo

Distance to CBPF: 15 minutes by bus.

Single apartment: R$ 154,00 (~ US$ 72)

Double apartment: R$ 170,50 (~ US$ 79)

Triple apartment: R$ 206,80 (~ US$ 96)

Address: Rua Cruz Lima, 30, Flamengo. 

Dsitance to CBPF: 10 minutes by bus.

Single apartment: R$ 129,00 (~ US$ 60)

Double apartment: R$ 147,00 (~ US$ 68)

Triple apartment: R$ 190,00 (~ US$ 88)

(invited speakers will be hosted here)

Address: Rua Gustavo Sampaio, 854, Leme.

Distance to CBPF: 5 minutes by bus.

Single apartment: R$ 153,00 (~ US$ 71)

Double apartment: R$ 173,00 (~ US$ 80)

Triple apartment: R$ 233,00 (~ US$ 108)


2. Hostels ("Albergues")


Hostels can be cheaper options, well suited to students. They are to be contacted directly by the interested participant. 

Address: Travessa Santa Leocádia, 38, Copacabana

Distance to CBPF: 20 minutes by bus

Quadruple rooms: R$ 30,00 (~ US$ 14)

(40 beds, bathrooms out of the room)

Contact: (55 21) 2236-3803

Address: Rua General Dionísio, 63, Botafogo

Distance to CBPF: 20 minutes by bus (few buses make the traject)

Rooms for 4, 6 and 8 persons: R$ 30,00 (~ US$ 14)

(70 beds, not all rooms with bathrooms)

Contact: (55 21) 2286-0303



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