Rio de Janeiro, 9 - 13 August, 2004



Scope and History

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Scope and History


In recent years, new and intriguing mathematical techniques have found wide application in Theoretical Physics. Topics like Number Theory, Zeta Regularization, Riemann Surfaces, Cohomology, Fibre Bundles, Non-Commutative Geometry, etc., previously restricted to Pure Mathematics, now are being applied in Physics.

On the other hand, the rising of Superstring Theory and K- and M-Theories motivated the employement of greater mathematical rigour in problems of Theoretical Physics. Particularly in Brazil, the number of researchers involved in problems like Topological Casimir Effect, Field Theory in Curved Spaces, Topological Defects, M-Theory, etc. is growing steadly over the last ten years.

This conference aims to present the latest advances in  Mathematical Methods to researchers, post-doctors, and graduate students acting in the areas of Physics of Particles and Fields, Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics. It happens since 1999, previously in the form of Schools, within a period of approximately two years, and is already established as a relevant event in Mathematical Physics in Brazil. About 50 participants attended each previous edition, coming from several geographic regions of Brazil and from foreign countries.

The main goal of the Fourth International Winter Conference on Mathematical Methods in Physics (WC2004) is to promote updating of knowledge and interaction between mathematicians and theoretical physicists, through plenary sessions (1 hour) and seminars (30 minutes). Particular emphasis will be given to the following topics:  Diferential Methods and Algebraic Geometry, Non-Commutative Geometry, Topological Field Theory, String Theory, Quantum Gravity and Cosmology. WC2004 will also include discussion sessions, between the participants, encouraging open discussion on the themes of the conference.

 Proceedings of the previous events are listed below: 

1) Proceedings of the 1999 Londrina Winter School: “Mathematical Methods in Physics”, eds. A. A. Bytsenko and F. L. Williams, World Scientific Publi. Co., 2000.

2) Proceedings of the 2000 Londrina Winter School: “Geometrical Aspects of Quantum Fields”, eds. A. A. Bytsenko, A. E. Gonçalves and B. M. Pimentel, World Scientific Publ. Co. , 2001.

3) Proceedings of the Londrina Winter School on Mathematical Methods in Physics, eds. M. C. B. Abdalla, A. A. Bytsenko, M. E. X. Guimarães and S. D. Odintsov, International Journal of Modern Physics A 18, Number 12, 1991-2227 (2003).

The following institutions are promoting WC2004:

  • CCP/CBPF (host institution)

  • Departamento de Física, Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL)

  • Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

  • Instituto de Física Teórica, Universidade Estadual de São Paulo (UNESP)

  • Departamento de Física Matemática, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

  • Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)




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