Rio de Janeiro, April, 24 - 28, 2006




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Posters (from Monday, 04/24, to Friday, 04/28):


Alberto Saa (IMECC - UNICAMP, Brazil), in collaboration with Luciana A. Elias


Non-Minimally Coupled Cosmology as Geodesic Motion


Abstract: Townsend and co-workers have recently shown that the equations of motion of homogeneous and isotropic cosmologies involving $N$ minimally coupled scalar fields, with arbitrary potential, are equivalent to the geodesic equations of an extended space. For homogeneous and isotropic cosmologies with flat spatial sections ($\kappa=0$), the extend space is ($N+1$)-dimensional and has $(1,N)$ signature, while for non-flat ($\kappa=\pm 1$) cosmologies, the extend space is ($N+2$)-dimensional and has signature ($1,N+1$) for $\kappa=-1$ and ($2,N$) for $\kappa=1$. For all the cases, the
geodesic are timelike if $V>0$, null if $V=0$ and spacelike if $V<0$. This analysis is generalized here to include also non-minimally coupled scalar fields. These results can be useful to classify the asymptotic behavior of homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models, leading, for instance, to some geometrical criteria for the existence of accelerated expansion phases.


Alexandre Carlos Tort (Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), in collaboration with F. C. Santos (UFRJ) and E. Elizalde (IEEC/UB/UAB)


Analytical Regularisation and Confined Quantum Fields


Abstract: A technique for evaluating the regularised vacuum energy stemming from non-trivial boundary conditions is reviewed and results for the Casimir energy of a massive fermionic field confined by a $d+1$ dimensional slab-bag and the effect of a uniform magnetic field on the vacuum energy of a confined massive bosonic and fermionic fields are presented. Results concerning the Casimir energy and the evaluation of the rate of quanta creation in $\kappa$-deformed theories are also discussed.


Álvaro Gomes dos Santos Neto (Instituto de Física, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil), in collaboration with A. G. Santos Neto and M. E. X. Guimaraes (UnB)  


Type-Like Vortices Solutions in Scalar-Tensor Gravities


Abstract:  We analyze a vortex line model in the contexte of a class of scalar-tensor theories of gravity. We obtain exact solutions for the gravitational field of the vortex in the particular case of Brans-Dicke theory.


Andre Luiz Naves de Oliveira (Instituto de Física, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil), in collaboration with M. Leineker Costa and M.E.X. Guimaraes (UnB)


On the Contributions from Dilatonic Strings to the Flat Behaviour of the Rotational Curves in Galaxies


Abstract:  We analyse the flat behaviour of the rotational curves in same galaxies in the framework of a dilatonic, current-carrying string. We determine the expression of the tangential velocity of test objects following a stable circular equatorial orbit in this spacetime.


Celso Melchiades Doria (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil)


Morse Theory Framework for the Seiberg-Witten Equations


Abstract:  It is shown that the Seiberg-Witten equations are obtained from a variational formulation and that the functional satisfies the Palais-Smale condition. Consequently, the equations admit a solution for all spin^{c} structure. However, the solution may not be a Seiberg-Witten monopole but just a cohomology class in H^{1}(X,R).


Chrystian de Assis Siqueira (Instituto de Física, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil), in collaboration with A. E. Santana (UnB)


Thermofield Dynamics and Path-Integral Formalism


Abstract:  Thermofield dynamics (TFD), a real-time formalism for thermal quantum field theory, is formulated in terms of a path-integral approach following the Weinberg procedure. In order to assure precise rules for the development, we use a representation for Lie-algebras such that the TFD algebraic ingredients are derived, including the tilde conjugation rules. The association with the canonical formalism is obtained, and for the case of bosons, we introduce the Feynman diagrams and derive the n-point functions.


Cresus Godinho (LAFEX-CBPF, Brazil), in collaboration with Martim Lourenço (Pontifícia Universidade Católica - RJ)


Constraints on the Non-commutative Quantum Hall Effect


Abstract:  We analyse the Classical and Quantum Hall Effect, based on the Noncommutative Schrödinger - Chern-Simons Action. The constraints are obtained by means of the Fadeev-Jackiw quantization Scheme and guide us to an interesting new corrected Hall conductivity expression.


Cristine Nunes Ferreira (CEFET-Campos, Brazil), in collaboration with José A. Helayël-Neto (LAFEX-CBPF)


Supersymmetric Superfluid in a Lorentz-Violating Background


Abstract:  This work presents a supersymmetric scenario for a global vortex with the superfluid behaviour. In our formulation, the duality relation between the vortex configuration and a 2-form gauge field is the key-element. The Lorentz-breaking background is also suitably accomodated in a superfield and the duality between the vortex and the Kalb-Ramond field is duely formulated in the N=1-superspace. We then find that the embedding of the superfluid vortices in a supersymmetry model dictate the introduction of terms that softly break supersymmetry in an explicit way and an interpretation of the parameters that govern these SUSY breaking terms is found out in terms of the energy scales for the vortex formation.


Daniel Heber Theodoro Franco (Centro de Estudos de Física Teórica, Brazil), in collaboration with Luiz H. Renoldi


Paley-Wiener-Schwartz Theorem and Microlocal Analysis of Singularities in Theory of Tempered Ultrahyperfunctions


Abstract:  We study the Fourier-Laplace transform of tempered ultrahyperfunctions introduced by Sebastião e Silva and Hasumi. We establish a generalization of Paley-Wiener-Schwartz theorem for this setting. This theorem is interesting in connection with the microlocal analysis of singularities of tempered ultrahyperfunctions.


Davi Cabral Rodrigues (Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), in collaboration with Clóvis Wotzasek ( IF-UFRJ , Brazil )


Issues on 3D Noncommutative Electromagnetic Duality


Abstract:  We extend the ordinary 3D electromagnetic duality to the noncommutative (NC) space-time through a Seiberg-Witten map to second order in the noncommutativity parameter $\theta$, defining a new scalar field model. There are similarities with the 4D NC duality, these are exploited to clarify properties of both cases. Up to second order in $\theta$, we find duality interchanges the 2-form $\theta$ with its 1-form Hodge dual ${^\star} \theta $ times the gauge coupling constant, i.e., $ \theta\rightarrow {^\star} \theta \; g^2$ (similar to the 4D NC electromagnetic duality). We prove that this property is false in the third order expansion in both 3D and 4D space-times. Starting from the third order expansion, $\theta$ cannot be rescaled to attain an S-duality; on the other hand, to any order in $\theta$, it is possible to rescale the fields to obtain the same coupling constants in both dual descriptions. In addition to possible applications on effective models, the 3D space-time is useful for studying general properties of NC theories. In particular we show that many terms of the Seiberg-Witten mapped action in this dimension can be significantly simplified.


Fábio Macêdo Mendes (Instituto de Física, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil), in collaboration with Anníbal Dias Figueiredo Neto (UnB)


Generalized Entropies in the Statistical Foundations of Thermodynamics


Abstract:  We offer an alternative account for the so called generalized entropies which follows naturally from the ubiquitous Boltzmann's formula "S = k ln W". Non-exponential laws would appear naturally in a unified framework where generalized entropies might follow either from ab initio counting procedures or as effective entropies that fits some unknown parameters of a physical process. We consider the implication of non-standard entropic forms to thermodynamics. Additionally, the relation between our formalism and Jaynes/Gibbs (MAXENT) inference procedure is explored. A generalization of the usual Darwin Fowler method to account non-standard entropic forms is thus employed.


Fábio Pascoal dos Reis (Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), in collaboration with C. Farina (IF-UFRJ, Brazil)


On the Particle Creation in a Robertson-Walker Universe


Abstract:  It's well know that nonstatic curved space-time can lead to the phenomenon of particle creation. The fist one to discuss this kind of problem was Schr\"odinger in 1939 [1]. In a recent work [2], the problem of particle creation in $3+1$ a spatially closed Robertson-Walker space-time is investigated. However we have found a little mistake in the total number of particles produced and in the total energy calculated by the author. In our work, we correct this mistake and also, analyze graphically how the parameters of the metric affect the total number of particles produced. $[1]$ E. Schr\"odinger, Physica ( Utrecht ), {\bf 6}, 899, (1939). $[2]$ M.R. Setare, Int.J.Theor.Phys. {\bf 43} 2237 (2004).


Fabricio Augusto Barone Rangel (DFQ-UNESP, Guaratinguetá, Brazil)


Casimir Energy for Point-like Objects


Abstract:  In this paper it is presented the calculus of the Casimir energy for point-like objects. Specifically, it is studied the Casimir energy of the scalar field interacting with two delta potentials localized at two distinct points. The limit of strong coupling between the field and the potentials is equivalent to the situation where the field satisfies Dirichlet boundary condition on the points where the potentials are localized. For this case, the Casimir energy is inversely proportional to the distance between the points.


Franciscus Jozef Vanhecke (Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), in collaboration with A. R. da Silva and C. Sigaud


Symmetries in Non Commutative Configuration Space


Abstract: A group $G$ acting on a symplectic manifold $M$ is a Symmetry Group if there is a group homomorphism : \[\phi :G \rightarrow {\cal S}p(M)\] where ${\cal S}p(M)$ is the group of diffeomorphisms conserving the symplectic two-form $\omega$ of M. The vector fields, generators of these transformations are {\it locally Hamiltonian} i.e. there is a Lie algebra homomorphism from the Lie algebra ${\cal G}$ to the locally Hamiltonian vector fields $Ham_0(M)$: \[\phi_*:{\cal G}\rightarrow Ham_0(M):{\bf u}\rightarrow{\bf X}({\bf u})\;;\; \;d(\imath_{{\bf X}({\bf u})}\,\omega)=0\] The action is called almost Hamiltonian if each generator ${\bf X}({\bf u})$ is Hamiltonian ($\in Ham(M)$). This means that, for each ${\bf u}\in{\cal G}$, there exists a linear map ${\bf f}:{\cal G}\rightarrow {\cal F}(M):{\bf u}\rightarrow f({\bf u})$ on $M$ such that $d f({\bf u})=\imath_{{\bf X}({\bf u})}\,\omega $.\\ Let ${\cal F}(M)$ denote the Lie algebra of functions on $M$ endowed with the Lie algebra of the Poisson structure associated to $\omega$.\\ There is an horizontal exact sequence of Lie algebra homomorphisms \begin{eqnarray*}&&\{0\}\rightarrow{\bf R}\rightarrow{\cal F}(M)\rightarrow Ham(M)\rightarrow\{0\}\\ && \phantom{\{0\}\rightarrow{\bf R}\rightarrow{\cal F}(M)}\nwarrow{\bf f}\,\quad\uparrow \phi_*\\ && \phantom{\{0\}\rightarrow{\bf R}\rightarrow{\cal F}(M)\rightarrow}\quad\quad{\cal G} \end{eqnarray*} When ${\bf f}$ is also a Lie algebra homomorphism, the action is said to be {\it strictly Hamiltonan} and allows a momentum map.\\ The group action on configuration space $Q$ induces an action on a cotangent bundle $T*(Q)$, which is strictly Hamiltonian on $T^*(Q)$ with its canonical symplectic structure $\omega_0=dq^i\wedge dp_i$.\\ In this note, we examine what happens when $T*(Q)$ is endowed with a more general symplectic structure: \[\omega=\omega_0+1/2\,F_{ij}\,dq^i\wedge dq^j+1/2\,G^{kl}\,dp_k\wedge dp_l\] with $d\omega=0$, which generates a non commutative configuration space.  


Gabriel Santos Menezes (ICRA-CBPF, Brazil), in collaboration with N. F. Svaiter (ICRA-CBPF, Brazil)


Stochastic Quantization of Topological Field Theory: Generalized Langevin Equation with Memory Kernel


Abstract:  We use the method of stochastic quantization in a topological field theory defined in an Euclidean space, assuming a Langevin equation with a memory kernel. We show that our procedure for the Abelian Chern-Simons theory converges regardless of the nature of the Chern-Simons coefficient.


Humberto Belich Júnior (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil), in collaboration with T. Costa-Soares, M.M. Ferreira Jr., M.T.D. Orlando


Bose-Einstein Condensates in a Lorentz Breaking Background


Abstract:  This type of Lorentz and CPT symmetries breaking has appeared in the context of high energy physics. The well known Anderson-Higgs mechanism is generalized to a context of string theory in such way that we obtain a four vector background field. Recently, the proposal of the reminiscent effects of Lorentz and CPT breaking in non-relativistic quantum mechanics was investigated with the non-minimal coupling recipe. Such coupling presents a new type of phase generation and we can investigate the influences of this background in a variety of phase transitions. In the present work, we shall propose to reasses the Bose-Einstein Condensates (BEC) going from a Relativistic theory with this non-minimal coupling to a Lorentz and CPT breaking background to computing its non-relativistic limit and study the contribution of the background in the Gross-Pitevskii equation for the BEC. The non-minimal coupling was chosen to be the one that generates an Aharonov-Casher phase, in the sense that we would like to study circular states in this system.


Jean Paulo Spinelly da Silva (Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, Brazil), in collaboration with E. R. Bezerra de Mello


Vacuum Polarization in the Presence of Magnetic Flux at Finite Temperature in the Cosmic String Background


Abstract: In this paper we analyse the vacuum polarization effect associated with the charged massless scalar field, in the presence of magnetic flux at finite temperature, in the cosmic string background. We consider a spacetime of an idealized cosmic string which presents a magnetic field confined in a cylindrical tube of finite radius. Two situations are taken into account in our analysis: (i) a homogeneous field inside the tube and (ii) a magnetic field proportional to $1/r$. In these two cases, the axis of the infinitely long tube of radius $R$ coincides with the cosmic string. Specifically, we calculate the effects produced by the temperature in the renormalized vacuum expectation value of the square of the charged massless scalar field, $\langle\hat{\phi}^{\ast}(x)\hat{\phi}(x)\rangle$. Therefore, in order to realize these analysis, we calculate the Euclidean Green function associated with this field in this background.


Josefa Surek de Souza de Oliveira (Departamento de Física, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brazil), in collaboration with Veríssimo Manoel de Aquino


Approximate Solution of the Evolution Operator of the Neutrino System


Abstract:  Neutrino flavor osccilations have been supposed as an explanation for neutrino discrepancies in varied contexts. One of them is the atmospheric neutrino problem. As a consequence of the spherical geometry of the neutrino source volume it’s predicted that atmospheric neutrino flux is up-down symmetric. If this symmetry is not observed then a possible explanation is neutrino oscillation. In this work the evolution operator of the neutrino system at variable eletron density is computed as the product of infinitesimal operators in the context of existence of two neutrino flavors with extension for three flavors. The relations between survival probability and energy and mixing angles at vacuum are analysed. The up and down fluxs are calculated considering neutrino oscillation to energy 5 GeV for down neutrinos that cross the upper mantle.


Julio Marny Hoff da Silva (Instituto de Física Teórica-UNESP, Brazil), in collaboration with M.C.B. Abdalla and M.E.X. Guimarães  


Vortices Solutions in Chern-Simons-Maxwell-Higgs System.


Abstract:  In this work we analyse some characteristcs of Bogomol'nyis equations for abelian gauge theories with Chern-Simons-Maxwell-Higgs terms. We don't obtain the complete solution for the model, but we analyse the equations in a kind of weak field approximation instead of using a computational analysis. Our main idea is to get some intuition on the subject. Working with the equations in such approach we reproduce the accurate behavior next to the origin.


Leonardo Paulo Guimarães de Assis (LAFEX-CBPF, Brazil), in collaboration with J. A. Helayël-Neto (LAFEX/CBPF, Rio de Janeiro & GFT-JLL, Petrópolis) and F. Haas (UNISINOS, Sao Leopoldo) and Álvaro Luis Martins de Almeida Nogueira (DEPBG/DEPES/CEFET/RJ and GFT-JLL, Petrópolis)


On the Stabiliser Rôle of the Critical Coupling of an N=2 Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs Mechanical Model


Abstract:  We apply different integrability analysis procedures to a reduced (spatially homogeneous) mechanical system derived from an off-shell non-minimally coupled N=2 Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs model that presents BPS topological vortex excitations, numerically obtained with an ansatz adopted in a special - critical coupling - parametric regime. As a counterpart of the regularity associated to the static soliton-like solution, we investigate the possibility of chaotic dynamics in the evolution of the spatially homogeneous reduced system, descendant from the full N=2 model under consideration. The originally rich content of symmetries and interactions, N=2 susy and non-minimal coupling, singles out the proposed model as an interesting framework for the investigation of the role played by (super-)symmetries and parametric domains in the triggering/control of chaotic behavior in gauge systems. After writing down effective Lagrangian and Hamiltonian functions, and establishing the corresponding canonical Hamilton equations, we apply global integrability Noether point symmetries and Painleveproperty criteria to both the general and the critical coupling regimes. As a non-integrable character is detected by the pair of analytical criteria applied, we perform suitable numerical simulations, as we seek for chaotic patterns in the system evolution. Finally, we present some Comments on the results and perspectives for further investigations and forthcoming communications.


Marcelo Botta Cantcheff (Instituto de Física Teórica-UNESP, Brazil)


Lorentz Symetry Breaking in Gravity and Dimensional Reduction.


Abstract:  This is a work in progress where we propose a modification of the standard Einstein Theory in four dimensions. A new topological term is introduced in the sector of coupling with matter and a Lorentz symmetry breakingis induced through a mechanism proposed in a recent paper (hep-th/0411254). An effective "planarity" may be observed in the resulting theory which resembles some aspects of holography.


Marcelo Leineker Costa (Instituto de Física, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil), in collaboration with A. L. Naves de Oliveira e M. E. X. Guimaraes


On the Generalized Rainich Algebra in Scalar-Tensor Gravities


Abstract:  We obtain exact solutions for a static and charged cosmic string in a Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory of a scalar-tensor type in (3+1)-Dimensions. This theory is specified by the dilaton field $\phi$, the graviton field $g_{\mu\nu}$ and the electromagnetic field $F_{\mu\nu}$, and one post-Newtonian parameter $\alpha(\phi)$. It contains three different cases, each of them corresponding to a particular solution of the Rainich algebra for the Ricci tensor.


Rafael de Lima Rodrigues (Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil), in collaboration with A. F. de Lima, E. R. Bezerra de Mello and V. B. Bezerra


SUSY QM from Three Domain Walls in a Scalar Potential


Abstract:  The soliton solutions have been investigated for field equations defined in a space-time of dimension equal or bigger than 1+1. The kink solution of a field theory is an example of a soliton in 1+1 dimensions. From field theoretic superpotential evaluated on the domain states the algebraic framework of supersymmetry in quantum mechanics (SUSY QM), as formulated by Witten may be elaborated. The SUSY QM generalization of the harmonic oscillator raising and lowering operators has several applications. The generalization of SUSY QM for the case of matrix superpotential, is well known in the literature for a long time, for one-dimension systems about on non-relativistic quantum systems. In this work we construct a matrix general superpotential on a three-field potential model in 1+1 dimentions. The classical configurations with domain wall solutions are bidimensional structures in 3+1 dimensions. They are static, non-singular, classically stable Bogomol'nyi \cite{Bogo} and Prasad-Sommerfield \cite{PS} (BPS) soliton (defect) configurations, with finite localized energy associated with a real scalar field potential model. Domain walls have several applications in condensed matter and cosmology. The BPS states are classical configurations that satisfy the first order differential equations and the second order differential equations (equations of motion). Domain walls have been recently exploited in a context that stresses their connection with BPS-bound states. While Rajaraman has applied the trial orbit method for the equation of motion, here one uses the trial orbit method for the first order differential equations associated to three real scalar fields. However, for solitons of three coupled scalar fields there are no general rules for finding analytic solutions since the nonlinearity in potential leads to enlarging of difficulties to solve the BPS equations and field equations.  


Rafael A. Vera (Universidad de Concepcion, Chile)


A Short-Cut to Non-Local Relativity, a General Theory Based on Dual Properties of Light


Abstract:  This theory is based on another form of the equivalence principle found from fundamental experiments according to which uncharged particles and radiation in stationary state obey the same inertial and gravitational laws [1]. Effectively, the theoretical properties of a particle model (PM) made up of radiation in stationary state, derived from just dual properties of light, correspond with all of them: the Einstein’s equivalence principle (EEP), special relativity, quantum mechanics, all of the traditional G tests, and recent astronomical observations [1][2][3]. Therefore this theory can be used to test the current hypotheses in physics. In the short cut done here it is proved that gravitation is an optical phenomenon produced by a gradient of the relative refraction index of the space with respect to any observer at rest in the field. During the free propagation of a body, to the contrary of current physics, its “relative” frequencies and mass-energy with respect to any observer at rest in the field are conserved. When the body stops in the field, the change of its relative mass-energy is just equal to the energy released. Thus, the G energy comes not from the G field but from a fraction of the mass-energy of the body. This result is in opposition with: a) the Einstein’s G field energy hypothesis (GFEH) in that the G field gives up the energy for the G work and b) the classical hypothesis in that the relative rest-mass of a body with respect to the observer is independent on the difference of G potential between them. Thus the right predictions of GR for the conventional G tests would come from cancellations of errors of the same absolute value and opposite signs of wrong hypotheses. Such errors stand out in more critical tests that are independent of such hypotheses. The relative changes occurring after changes of velocity, G potential and universe expansion, cannot be found from local measurements because everything changes in a common proportion and, therefore, every local ratio remains unchanged. The lack of energy of the G field is most important in universe evolution because the new kind of “linear” black hole without singularity, after a long period of radiation absorption, decays into primeval gas that can regenerate dead galaxies in relatively short periods. Thus galaxies should evolve in rather closed cycles with luminous and dark periods so that, in the average, the entropy in the universe can remain constant, indefinitely. This is consistent with all of them: the rather uniform distribution of elliptical galaxies, near us and in the deep field universe, the increasing proportion of dark matter in galaxies of smaller luminous sizes, the high proportion of dark matter between them, and the low temperature CMB[4]. References [1]. R. A. Vera. Proceedings of the Einstein Centennial Symposium on Fundamental Physics. eds. S. M. Moore et al, Universidad de Los Andes . Bogotá, G. Violíni, Universitá di Roma, p. 597-625 (1981). [2]. R. A. Vera. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 20 p. 19-50 (1981) [3]. R. A. Vera. “The New Universe Fixed by the Equivalence Principle and Properties of Light:” (ed. R. Vera. Universidad de Concepción. Concepción. Chile. (1997). [4]. R. A. Vera. The Dark Matter and Radiation Backgrounds Predicted from a New Principle and a New Gravitational Theory. in Progress in Dark Matter Research Ed. Blain, J. Val.( Nova Science Publishers, 2005), p 241-252.  


Renato Doria (AprendaNet, Brazil)


Ubiquous Lux


Abstract:  Based on an Antireductionist Gauge Theory applied to U(l) group one develops new properties for light. They are a new dispersion relation yielding a group velocity bigger than c, self interacting photons, non-linear wave equations, photon quanta composed by fields. These new light properties are derived from an extension to Maxwell equations. This means that Maxwell is preserved as Newton to Einstein mechanics. This physics of light goes beyond the principle that light is derived from electric charges. It says that light anteceeds electric charge. Being the only one absolute that physics detects in Nature, light should be considered something special. Besides turning the others physical entities as relative, it should also to become ubiquous. Thus one interprets that light should interact simultaneously with a set of fields. In terms of gauge theory be a genuine gauge field while others are potential fields. New aspects are derived from this physics of light. Maxwell equations are extended and a new expression for force just depending on fields is obtained.  


Ricardo M. Bentin (Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Brazil)


An Attempt of Construction for the Grassmann Numbers.


Abstract:  We will pursue a way of building up an algebraic structure that involves, in a mathematical abstract way, the well known Grassmann variables. The problem arises when we tried to understand the grassmannian polynomial expansion on the scope of ring theory. The formalization of this kind of variables and its properties will help us to have a better idea of some algebraic structures and the way they are implemented in models concerning theoretical physics .


Roldão da Rocha (Instituto de Física, UNICAMP, Brazil), in collaboration with Carlos H. Coimbra-Araújo


Physical Effects of Extra Dimension and Concomitant Map between Photons and Gravitons in RS Brane-World Scenario


Abstract:  We show how the existence of an extra dimension in Randall-Sundrum brane-world model can estimate the correction in the horizon of Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordström and Kerr black holes, and consequently the measurability of physical effects due to extra dimensions endowing the geometry of a brane-world scenario in an AdS5 bulk. We also investigate the mutual transformation of photons and gravitons in the field of a charged black hole in a brane-world Randall-Sundrum scenario. Also, we show the number of gravitons and photons are not conserved on the brane due to a source term coming from Mawell-Einstein field equations on the brane. It can be explained in terms of the leaking of gravitons out of the brane into the AdS bulk


Sergio de Oliveira Vellozo (Centro Tecnológico do Exército (CTEx) and LAFEX-CBPF, Brazil), in collaboration with José Abdala Helayël Neto, Alexander William Smith and Leonardo Paulo Guimarães de Assis


Born-Infeld Magnetostatic Field from Electrical Point-like Charge at Rest in an Inertial Frame


Abstract: Born-Infeld non-linear Abelian classical electrodynamics has a non-polynomial Lagrangian with no derivative and interative terms. Therefore the canonical equations have the same features. In this work we employed this non-linear Lagrangian to investigate the static electric and magnetic fields generated by a point-like charge at rest in an inertial frame. Associated with usual Maxwell differential equations we arrived on an system of equations and the solution are real and non singular. Speculative remarks on a semiclassical model are proposed.


Thiago Gilberto do Prado (Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brazil), in collaboration with A. E. Gonçalves


The Aplication of the Cardy-Verlinde Formula in BTZ Black Hole


Abstract:  The fascinating properties of the classical, and especially quantum, black holes, have long made it desirable to have avaliable a lower dimensional analog which could exhibit the key features without the usual complications. M. Bañados, C. Teitelboim and J. Zanelli have proposed a interesting lower dimensional black hole with a negative cosmological constant, known as BTZ black hole. Starting from the holografic principle in the context of closed $(n+1)$-dimensional Friedman-Robertson-Walker universe in the radiation dominated era, E. Verlinde had proposed an interesting formula that expresses the entropy of a Conformal Field Theory (CFT) in terms of the Casimir energy via a universal Cardy formula that is valid for space with an arbitrary number of dimensions. The main objective of the present work is the aplication of the Cardy-Verlinde formula in order to study the AdS/CFT correspondence, where AdS,for BTZ black holes.


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