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Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology - GrACo III
Página: Registration
Arquivo atualizado em:
04/02/2016 17:18:30



Registration will open from October 1st, 2015, to March 15th, 2015.


Registration Fee

  • Early payment up to December 31st 2015: USD 100 (one hundred american dollars)
  • Early payment up to January 31st 2016: USD 100 (one hundred american dollars)
  • Early payment up to March 1st 2016: USD 100 (one hundred american dollars) New!
  • Late payment after March 1st 2016: USD 150 (one hundred and fifty american dollars)
  • Registration fee for students : USD 50 (fifty american dollars)

The payment of the registration fee must be made by bank transfer. In the reference field please write your name and "graco3". We kindly ask you to send the receipt of the transfer to the email address indicated to confirm you payment.

Notice that although for reference the fee is given in USD, the payment should be in ARS or BRL at the official exchange rate of the day of the transfer, as informed by Banco de la Nación Argentina and Banco Central do Brasil, respectively.



Transfers from participants from Argentina should be addressed to:

Account holder: Asociación Argentina de Astronomía

Bank: Banco de la Nación Argentina

Account type: Cuenta Corriente en Pesos

CBU: 0110728120072800071597

CUIT: 30-70968119-9 (exento)

Please send the receipt to aaatesoreria[at] AND graco3[at], clearly indicating your name and the motive of the transfer. Submission of the receipt is an absolutely necessary condition to acknowledge your payment.



Transfers from participants from Brazil should be addressed to:

Account holder: Felipe T. Falciano (CPF: 082.195.507-16)

Bank: 237 - Banco Bradesco

Account type: Conta Corrente em Reais

Bank Number (agênica): 3636-6

Account Number (c.c.): 0943-1

Please send the receipt to ftovar[at], clearly indicating your name and the motive of the transfer. Submission of the receipt is an absolutely necessary condition to acknowledge your payment.


Registration Form

Registration form will be available from October 1st, 2015, to March 15th, 2015.
Click HERE

Financial Support

A limited amount of funding will be available for supporting the participation of students. Priority will be given to those presenting a contribution. Should you wish to apply, please send an email to ftovar[at] clearly specifying in the subject Financial Support GrACo-III. The email should include a short justification, your C.V. and a recommendation letter. The deadline for applying is February 14th, 2016.

CBPF - Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas - 2015
Desenvolvimento: Leandro M. Barbosa