3-5 December 2012
Buzios, Brazil, 3-5 December 2012
In 2009 it was organized in Rio de Janeiro the Workshop Nanomagnetism, Spin Electronics and Quantum Optics (NSEQO2009), as part of the activities of the Year of France in Brazil. This meeting attracted Brazilian and French scientists, among those the Nobel Prize Winner Prof. Albert Fert, as well as two recipients of the CNRS Gold Medal. There were at the occasion discussions, with the presence of authorities from the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology, including the Minister Prof. Sergio Rezende, and, from the French side, members of the Direction of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). This meeting was followed some months later by another discussion, also in Rio de Janeiro, on the occasion of the visit of a delegation of CNRS authorities.
These contacts lead to the approval, from both sides, of the need to deepen the scientific collaboration between France and Brazil, and resources were allocated by the Brazilian research council (CNPq) and CNRS, to fund two meetings, one in each country, and to support the exchange of researchers. On the French side, the project is a GDRI (Groupement de Recherche International).
The meeting will take place in Buzios from 3 to 5 December 2012 (arrival on the 2nd and departure on the 6th).
The program will consist of plenary talks on the 3rd of December and in the morning of the 4th. In the afternoon of the 4th and in the morning of the 5th, two parallel sessions will take place, dealing respectively with "Nanomagnetism, Spin Electronics and Carbon-based materials" and "Quantum Optics".
Finally, reports on the discussions held within the parallel sessions and the conclusions of the workshop will be discussed by all participants together in the afternoon of the 5th.
During the parallel sessions, the main objective will be to present the first results of the collaboration and envisaged projects. A certain number of talks will also be presented beyond the strict program of the project, with the prospect of opening the collaboration beyond its initial framework.
The meeting will be held at the Ferradura Hotel Buzios, originally a fishermen village, is a well-known beach resort, with 23 beaches, located near Rio de Janeiro. More information at Búzios Online.
Hotel reservation should be requested in REGISTRATION.
The nearest international airport is the Rio de Janeiro International Airport (GIG); another airport operates only domestic flights (Santos Dumont Airport (SDU)). Buzios is located at a distance of 170 km from Rio de Janeiro and can be reached by road.
There will be transportation available to the participants arriving at either airport.
Hélio tolentino (Inst. Néel), Elisabeth Giacobino (LKB/Jussieu), Jean-Marie George (CNRS-Thales), Alexia Auffèves (Inst. Néel), Jean-Claude Garreau (Université de Lille 1), Jean-Eric Wegrowe (Ecole Polytechnique), Dominique Givord (Inst. Néel and UFRJ), Luiz Davidovich (UFRJ), Luiz Sampaio (CBPF), Amir Caldeira (UNICAMP), Alberto Guimarães (CBPF), Rogerio Paniago (UFMG) and José Tabosa (UFPE).
Luiz Davidovich (UFRJ) (Brazilian Chair), Dominique Givord (Inst. Néel) (French Chair), Luiz Sampaio (CBPF), Alberto Guimarães (CBPF), Rogerio Paniago (UFMG), Amir Caldeira (UNICAMP), José Tabosa (UFPE) and Hélio Tolentino (Inst. Néel).
Contact us:
Luiz Sampaio (sampaio@cbpf.br) and Hélio Tolentino (helio.tolentino@grenoble.cnrs.fr)
Brazil France Meeting | Desenvolvido por: Leandro Mauricio Barbosa